Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lose pounds news 10/10/2007 16:02

Court told Fallon went back on his word (Reuters via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News)
Six-times champion jockey Kieren Fallon lost a betting syndicate 105,000 pounds when he refused to lose on one of the Queen's racehorses, the Old Bailey was told on Tuesday.*http%3A//
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Obese, pregnant? Best to restrict weight gain (South Bend Tribune)
ST. LOUIS -- Obese women can gain little or no weight during pregnancy -- and even lose a few pounds -- without harming their babies, new research suggests.*http%3A//
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Court told Fallon should have "won at a canter" (Reuters via Yahoo! Malaysia News)
LONDON - Six-times champion jockey Kieren Fallon earned a betting syndicate more than 26,000 pounds by agreeing to lose on a favourite that should have "won at a canter", Old Bailey court heard on Tuesday.*http%3A//
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Shape - A new definition of success: I'm gradually learning that the number on the scale isn't the only way to measure my progress
October 1, 2007 -- On New Year's Day I set a goal of getting down to 125 pounds--what I weighed on my wedding day 14 years ago. As I close in on that number and the weight ...
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Shape - Lose 44 pounds a year … at work
October 1, 2007 -- It sounds unbelievable, but a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that if overweight people used an electronic stepping device, like the one shown here, for two hours a
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Step it up (Vancouver Province)
Week 4: Trainers from Innovative Fitness ( helped three people lose almost 30 pounds each during our Fitness Fantasy series earlier this year.*http%3A//
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Court told Fallon went back on his word (Reuters via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Sport)
Six-times champion jockey Kieren Fallon lost a betting syndicate 105,000 pounds when he refused to lose on one of Queen Elizabeth's racehorses, London's Old Bailey court was told on Tuesday.*http%3A//
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Children need help to lose weight and keep it off, researchers find (Washington University School of Medicine)
Oct. 9, 2007 -- Studying efforts to combat obesity in children, a research team led by investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has found that children who lose weight are able to keep it off more effectively if they participate in a maintenance-targeted treatment program, although the effectiveness of the maintenance program lessens over time.*http%3A//
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Chicago Sun-Times - New diet pays off, literally; People will lose weight if they get
September 25, 2007 -- People will lose weight for money, even a little money, suggests a study that offers another option for employers looking for ways to cut health care ...
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How Katie Ciarcia went from a size 22 to a zero (Everett Herald)
Fat people may not want to hear about this great way to lose weight. Exercise and don't eat so much. Isn't there a pill we could take, or a magic procedure, or wishful thinking that will shed extra pounds?*http%3A//
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