Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lose pounds news 19/09/2007

First steps to fitness (Vancouver Province)
Week 1: Trainers from Innovative Fitness ( ) helped three people lose almost 30 pounds each during our Fitness Fantasy series earlier this year.

Teachers Use Kimkins Diet to Literally Lose a Ton (
Kimkins Teachers Weight Loss Challenge Group demonstrates the value of an incredible support system by losing a combined total of 1903 pounds in only 10 weeks. [ - September 18, 2007]

Lose pounds news 19/09/2007
Many people ask me how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks and is it even possible? The answer is that it’s very possible and that there are several ways in which you can do this. You can either reduce your calorie intake, raise the level of . ...

Alternate-Day Fasting diet may be the best fat buster (New Kerala)
Washington, Sept 18: If you gorge on food on day, and then eat half as much or fast the next day may, it may help you lose those extra pounds, for a new study has found that doing so shrinks fat cells and boosts mechanisms that break down fats.

Motivational Weight Loss Game Where Everyday Moves May Inspire A New Addiction To Aid Fitness (Medical News Today)
Finding a way to motivate the billion people in the world who are overweight to lose excess pounds can be an overwhelming task, but a University of Houston professor is meeting that weighty challenge with a challenge of his own. [click link for full article]

weight control diet calories